B - Articles and Comments on Them

(B 01) Mr. Svrsek – The Origin and Evolution of the Universe          19.09.2000
(B 02) Mr. Fikacek J. – Production of Time                                     16.02.2001
(B 03) Mr. Svrsek, Mr. Fikacek – Production of Time                        04.03.2001
(B 04) Mr.Svrsek – The Worm Holes and Engine of Time                15.06.2001
(B 05) Mr.Krob J. – About Nonexistent Time ( + My Chart of the Speeds ) 24.11.2001
(B 06) The Secret Dimensions – the Elegant Universe                     17.05.2002
(B 07) The Physicists‘ Argument About Origin of Universe                27.05.2002
(B 08) Mr.Svrsek – Why Should the God Exist ?                             17.06.2002
(B 09) Mr. Krob Jos. - background notions about time                     28.06.2002
(B 10) There Was Not Anything Before Big-Bang                            11.08.2002
(B 11) Mr. Martin Decky – Theory of Absolute Genesis                    25.08.2002
(B 12) Prigogine Versus Hawking + Mr. Broz                                  17.10.2002
(B 13) New Reasons for the Next Dimensions Searching                 15.11.2002
(B 14) Mr. Obdrzalek – The Principles of Expansion                        31.01.2003
(B 15) Alain Aspect, David Bohm, Carl Pribram                              11.02.2003
(B 16) RDKL .... His and My Opinion                           20.02.2003
(B 17) Twisted Time Alias Space Such As Emmenthal Cheese         04.04.2003
(B 18) Vacuum is boiling all the time     09.04.2003
(B 19) Origin of Universe and My Commentary                               10.04.2003
(B 20) Theory of Big Bang With Annotation                                    15.04.2003
(B 21) Unitary Theory Cannot Be Achieved Ever                             12.05.2003
(B 22) Existence of Life in Universe + Commentary                         08.07.2003
(B 23) The Hopeful Superstring Theory + 2 Articles + Commentary  10.10.2003
(B 24)  What Was Before Big-Bang  + Commentary                         10.10.2003
(B 25) Behind Space and Time Borderline                                       31.05.2004
(B 26) Proof of Existence of Ether          05.11.2003
(B 27) Crisis of the Big-Bang Theory      17.11.2004
(B 28) The Dark Mass in Universe – Mr. P.Broz  + Commentary       20.01.2005
(B 29) New Way of the Secret Energy Research                              20.01.2005
(B 30) The Dark Energy = Neutrino + Accelerone ( Comment passed )
(B 31) The Mass from Hardware          ( Comment passed)
(B 32) Mr. Klimanek -  People Uprose from the Dust, Universe from Nothingness + Commentary      04.09.2004
(B 33) Mr. Kulhanek -  The Topology + My Comment                      02.04.2005
(B 34) What’s Behaviour of the Dark Mass – Vl. Wagner  + Comment   16.05.2005
(B 35) Mr. Hala V. -  Parrot of the String Theory                             15.06.2005
(B 36) Mr.Cerveny Zdenek – A Part of Response                             01.06.2005
(B 37) Parrot of the String Theory                                       15.06.2005            


Under reconstruction

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