Hypothesis of construction of matter (even whole entire universe) from two basic physical quantities ’’length’’and ’’time’’
- 2015-01-31 - What Does Hypothesis about Two - Quantity Universe Offer to Discuss about and to Consideration?, [PDF, 511.19 kB]
- 2015-01-31 - A Brief story about two quantity universe 21.03.2012, [PDF, 242.80 kB]
- 2015-02-01 - Higgs´mechanism and my objections ... 20.05.2014, [PDF, 361.90 kB]
- 2015-02-01 - J.D.Barrow and disscussion with friends ... 07.06.2007, [PDF, 282.30 kB]
- 2015-02-01 - Paradox of Twins, Jiří Langer + my commentary 11.10.2014, [PDF, 252.43 kB]
- 2015-02-01 - Principle of the hot potatoe, [JPG, 1.46 MB]
- 2015-02-01 - Pyramidal_Evolution_of_the_Matter ... 30.01.2015, [PDF, 1.10 MB]
- 2015-02-01 - Sternberg, about time ...11.11.2008, [PDF, 300.35 kB]
- 2015-02-01 - What the Bing-Bang means 06.07.2006, [PDF, 134.77 kB]
- 2015-07-10 - CNO cycle, [JPG, 955.03 kB]
- 2015-08-24 - Time interval between two events ... 24.08.2015, [PDF, 289.51 kB]
- 2015-10-11 - Once Halley comet, Dilatation of time, experiment, [PDF, 266.54 kB]
- 2015-11-12 - The Time, [PDF, 4.35 kB]
- 2015-12-17 - Continuing the idea of interpretation... 21.03.2012, [PDF, 159.99 kB]
- 2016-01-30 - Marcus du Sautoy ... 30.01.2016, [PDF, 415.76 kB]
- 2016-06-01 - Modern physics, words Kulhanek says ... (aa720) ... + com. 28.07.2015, [PDF, 426.47 kB]
- 2018-01-28 - C N O cyrcle, [PDF, 93.42 kB]
- 2018-01-28 - For Miss Votava ...2008, [PDF, 353.65 kB]
- 2019-12-24 - Collected on disscussion group „Origin of the Universe“ in August, [PDF, 656.25 kB]
- 2019-12-24 - My Vojtěch Ullmann : the Physics of Spacetime in 1980 + kom 2018, [PDF, 79.52 kB]
- 2019-12-24 - Talking about space-time , [PDF, 572.05 kB]
- 2019-12-24 - Time no line, time dynamic .... (cz aa_95) ... 23.05.2019, [PDF, 140.81 kB]
- 2020-01-05 - Scales of times and distances in the universe, [PDF, 161.15 kB]
- 2020-01-05 - List of Solved Themes, [PDF, 455.96 kB]
- 2021-04-26 - Sabine - the gravitational constant 05, [JPG, 994.06 kB]
- 2021-06-07 - The problem of the dimensions of the gravitational constant+ ... 07.06.2021, [PDF, 247.24 kB]
- 2021-06-22 - String theory and dark matter..(CZ, A, DE)...22.05.2021, [PDF, 240.12 kB]
- 2021-06-22 - Revenge is silence or is silence revenge ?....16.06.2021, [PDF, 225.95 kB]
- 2021-06-24 - About the dilatation of time, about the passage of time (CZ+A), [PDF, 588.77 kB]
- 2021-06-25 - Debate on strings Sabine, Lee, Tara ...+kom, [PDF, 295.04 kB]
- 2021-06-25 - Letter to Harvard physicists in 2012 , [PDF, 296.76 kB]
- 2021-06-30 - Carlo Rovelli, on the physics of time ................ (aa141) ...+ com 30.06.2021, [PDF, 113.71 kB]
- 2021-07-13 - Sabine Hossenfelder : Is Time Real ?... +com12.07.2021, [PDF, 173.99 kB]
- 2021-07-28 - Sabine Hossenfelder : Does the Universe have Higher Dimensions ?..+kom 28.07.2021, [PDF, 173.66 kB]
- 2021-07-29 - Dr. Matt O´dowd, String theorie .. +kom 29.07.2021, [PDF, 177.94 kB]
- 2021-07-29 - Sabine Hossenfelder : Excerpt from her YT ... 29.07.2021, [PDF, 209.27 kB]
- 2021-07-30 - Allowance for Sabina ... 30.07.2021 (aus 31.01.2021), [PDF, 133.34 kB]
- 2021-08-01 - The pace of time (description of the diskussion) .................... (aa118) ...01.08.2021, [PDF, 132.55 kB]
- 2021-08-01 - Tale of HDV, over and over again,... 23.3.2001, [PDF, 216.99 kB]
- 2021-08-01 - I'm already two in the world for a two-qvantity universe, 28.04.2021, [PDF, 124.32 kB]
- 2021-08-02 - The passage of time and its pace...02.08.2021, [PDF, 199.81 kB]
- 2021-08-03 - From gravity to quantum, from linearity to nonlinearity ....07.05.2021, [PDF, 214.06 kB]
- 2021-08-03 - Dr. Matt O´dowd : String theory and my HDV ... 03.08.2021, [PDF, 172.27 kB]
- 2021-08-05 - Are we made of math ? Sabine Hossenfelder ... +kom 04.08.2021, [PDF, 155.23 kB]
- 2021-08-06 - Can Physics Be Too Speculative ? Sabine Hossenfelder ... +kom 06.08.2021, [PDF, 175.46 kB]
- 2021-08-24 - What are the Strings in String Theory ? Matt O´dowd + I, [PDF, 174.42 kB]
- 2021-08-25 - Who clarifies and explains the problem of G ?, [PDF, 248.22 kB]
- 2021-08-26 - Carlo Rovelli on the physics of time ........................................ (aa141) ... +com 06.08.2021, [PDF, 338.62 kB]
- 2021-08-27 - Sabine H. : What does the universe expand into ?................... (aa143) ...+com.27.08.2021, [PDF, 167.62 kB]
- 2021-08-28 - The question of the gravitational constant .............................. (aa135)..........28.08.2021, [PDF, 143.15 kB]
- 2021-08-28 - David Gross : What's Real About Time ?................................... (aa142) ...+ com 28.08.2021, [PDF, 148.79 kB]
- 2021-08-31 - The existence of antimatter, dialog Lee, Sabina, Sara .............. (aa136) ...+com 31.08.2021, [PDF, 228.87 kB]
- 2021-09-03 - Matt O´Dowd : Does Time Cause Gravity ? .............................. (aa144) ...+com 02.09.2021, [PDF, 267.13 kB]
- 2021-09-04 - Matt O´Dowd : Before the Big Bang ? ..................................... (aa145) ...+com 03.09.2021, [PDF, 177.59 kB]
- 2021-09-06 - A Universe of at Least 10 Dimensions. Brian Greene ................ (aa149) ...+com 13.07.2021, [PDF, 282.47 kB]
- 2021-09-09 - Sabine Hossenfelder : What's wrong with physics ?.................. (aa152) ...+com 09.09.2021, [PDF, 279.83 kB]
- 2021-10-03 - Roger Penrose : Are there Extra Dimensions ?.......................... (aa172) ...+ com 03.10.2021, [PDF, 183.92 kB]
- 2021-10-11 - Are there Extra Dimensions ? Roger Penrose +my opinoin ........(aa167) ...11.10.2021, [PDF, 183.42 kB]
- 2021-10-12 - What's wrong with physics ? Sabine H. .................................... (aa152) ...+com 7.9.2021, [PDF, 284.01 kB]
- 2021-10-13 - Sabine Hossenfelder : Are we made of math ? ......................... (aa176) ...+ com. 04.08.2021, [PDF, 247.20 kB]
- 2021-10-25 - S-H. : Does Kirk die when he goes through the transporter?.... (aa178)...+ com 24.10.2021, [PDF, 159.29 kB]
- 2021-11-09 - Arvin Ash : Nobody Knows What TIME Really Is ..................... (aa182) ...+ com 09.11.2021, [PDF, 159.39 kB]
- 2021-11-17 - M. O´Dowd-What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong?. (aa184) ...+com 17.11.2021 , [PDF, 169.34 kB]
- 2021-11-21 - Bertrand Russell : What is Time ? ............................................ (aa177) ...+ com 21.11.2021, [PDF, 189.26 kB]
- 2021-12-04 - What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong ? ................... (aa184) ...+ com 27.11.2021, [PDF, 206.67 kB]
- 2021-12-09 - B. Russell + L. Kuhn : What is Time ?........................................ (aa177) ...+com 05.12.2021, [PDF, 302.90 kB]
- 2021-12-17 - If higher dimensions exist, they... ............................................ (aa153) ...+com 17.12.2021, [PDF, 187.57 kB]
- 2021-12-18 - Julian Barbour : The End of Time ! ........................................... (aa183) ...+com 18.12.2021, [PDF, 96.52 kB]
- 2021-12-20 - Jeff Tollaksen : Is Time Real ? .................................................. (aa181) ...+com 01.10.2021, [PDF, 121.64 kB]
- 2021-12-22 - Julian Barbour : The Janus Point A New Theory of Time .......... (aa185)...+com 22.12.2021, [PDF, 170.33 kB]
- 2022-01-10 - Sabine Hossenfelder : What's the Fifth Force ? ......................... (aa161) ...+ com 10.01.2022, [PDF, 218.71 kB]
- 2022-01-15 - What Was The Big Bang ? ........................................................ (aa146) + com 09.7.2021+15.01.2022, [PDF, 211.71 kB]
- 2022-01-22 - Sabine Hossenfelder: String theory and dark matter ................ (aa125) ...+com 11.05.21, +26.02.2023, [PDF, 89.58 kB]
- 2022-01-26 - The Webb Space Telescope solves a mystery ? ......................... (aa192) ...+com 26.01.2022, [PDF, 185.96 kB]
- 2022-01-29 - David Bentley Hart - Why Is There Anything At All ?.................. (aa186) ...+com 25.11.2021, [PDF, 140.57 kB]
- 2022-02-01 - How Small Is It The Higgs Boson .............................................. (aa187) ...+com 01.02.2022, [PDF, 157.72 kB]
- 2022-02-25 - A Multiverse from "Nothing" ..................................................... (aa195)...+com 25.02.2022,, [PDF, 242.27 kB]
- 2022-03-08 - Newton and later Einstein to the equation of equivalence.. ....... (aa083) , [PDF, 151.63 kB]
- 2022-03-13 - Why Do We Need Quantum Gravity to Explain the Big Bang ?... (aa188)...+com 13.03.2022, [PDF, 118.60 kB]
- 2022-04-03 - Spacetime quantization-multiverse , David Zoul ........................ (aa191)...+kom 03.04.2022, [PDF, 380.21 kB]
- 2022-04-10 - Spacetime quantization - parallel worlds. D Zoul ....................... (aa193) ...+com 10.04.2022, [PDF, 818.41 kB]
- 2022-04-19 - Are Cosmic Strings Cracks in the Universe ?, Matt O´down ....... (aa197) ...com 19.04.2022, [PDF, 178.74 kB]
- 2022-04-22 - Why Cosmic Strings SHOULD Exist ?........................................... (aa198). ... com 22.04.2022, [PDF, 210.99 kB]
- 2022-04-27 - Quantum tunneling in complex time, Pavel Cejnar ..................... (aa194)...+ com 27.04.2022, [PDF, 190.58 kB]
- 2022-04-28 - Rudolf Menzl on the discontinuity of space and time ................. (aa081) ...+ com 01.02.2020, [PDF, 65.73 kB]
- 2022-04-28 - V.Ullmann, there is no need to OTR introduce ........................... (aa099) ...+com 06.06.2020, [PDF, 91.67 kB]
- 2022-05-09 - What time is it from prof. P.Kulhánek ........................................ (aa202)...+kom 09.05.2022, [PDF, 365.34 kB]
- 2022-05-14 - Will the Big Bang repeat ? - Sabine Hossenfelder ...................... (aa196) ...+com 14.05.2022, [PDF, 156.36 kB]
- 2022-06-11 - David Gross-Could there be extra time dimensions ? ................. (aa200)... +com 30.04.2022, [PDF, 115.00 kB]
- 2022-06-24 - Spacetime quantization privileged system, D.Zoul ..................... (aa201)...+com 24.06.2022, [PDF, 572.59 kB]
- 2022-07-01 - Variant written speech of reality (and an unusual question)...... (aa077) ....+ com 01.07.2022, [PDF, 2.20 MB]
- 2022-07-10 - What was before the Big Bang? S.H. answers simply: Nothing .. (aa108) ...+com 16.12.2020, [PDF, 170.01 kB]
- 2022-07-31 - Here is a selection of my thoughts, reflections and ideas ........... (aa209) ...+com 31.07.2022, [PDF, 275.37 kB]
- 2022-08-12 - The pace of time (description of the diskussion) ....................... (aa118) ... + com 01.08.2021, [PDF, 111.03 kB]
- 2022-08-24 - Did Time Start at the Big Bang ? .................................................................. +com 24.08.2022, [PDF, 165.53 kB]
- 2022-09-25 - The slowed pace of the passage of time everywhere on the horizon (aa 124) ... com 05.05.2021, [PDF, 303.57 kB]
- 2022-09-26 - What is a "quantum"? What is quantized in nature and what in physics?... com 09/26/2022, , [PDF, 160.51 kB]
- 2022-10-04 - The beginning of the universe according to HDV ..........................................+ com 04.10.2022, [PDF, 303.48 kB]
- 2022-10-07 - What came before the Big Bang ? ...............................................(aa217)..my com 27.09.+07.10.22, [PDF, 186.25 kB]
- 2022-10-08 - The equivalence question and the G-constant question. G is just a number....08.10.2022, [PDF, 202.22 kB]
- 2022-10-14 - For 100 years physicists have been asking "what are these particles made of" ? ...14.10.2022, [PDF, 430.76 kB]
- 2022-10-22 - Loop Quantum Gravity : BETTER than String Theory ? ............... (aa159)...com 22.10.2022, [PDF, 231.44 kB]
- 2022-11-08 - Did Time Start at the Big Bang ?, Matt O´Dowd .......................... (aa216) ....+com 07.11.2022-02, [PDF, 235.91 kB]
- 2022-12-03 - KS TIME. Virtual dialogue on V. Vavryčuk's conformal metric ..... (I 358a) ... 12.01.2022, [PDF, 372.69 kB]
- 2023-01-20 - An example of how bad a double translation by a translator turns out (cz --> a --> cz --> a ) 20.01.2023, [PDF, 80.26 kB]
- 2023-02-13 - Nobody Knows What TIME Really Is. But it might be this +entropy... (aa182)...08.11.2021, [PDF, 225.62 kB]
- 2023-02-16 - The Origin of Matter and Time, Matt O´Dowd ............................. (aa203) ...+com 04.05.2022, [PDF, 130.52 kB]
- 2023-02-18 - The beginning of the universe according to HDV ........................ (aa218) ... 04.10.2022, [PDF, 90.27 kB]
- 2023-02-20 - I don't like the name The Big Bang Theory, sayes James Peebles (aa207) ...+kom17.07.2022-1, [PDF, 330.42 kB]
- 2023-02-25 - 11 Dimensions Explained - all dimensions expand...really? .......... (aa212) ...+com 09.09.2022, [PDF, 202.07 kB]
- 2023-02-28 - Is time zero-dimensional ? .......................................................... (aa222) ...12.11.2022+28.02.2023, [PDF, 194.04 kB]
- 2023-02-28 - Hubble's law of linear axial expansion is true ...............................(aa235) ..... 26.02.2023, [PDF, 147.44 kB]
- 2023-03-04 - What Is Spacetime Really Made Of ? ............................................(aa190) ....21.01.2022, [PDF, 276.68 kB]
- 2023-03-07 - Reflections, thoughts, balances with HDV... to think about. ......... (aa237)... 07.03.2023, [PDF, 486.79 kB]
- 2023-03-07 - What really existed before the big bang ?.....................................(aa230).... com 14.01.2023, [PDF, 203.09 kB]
- 2023-03-10 - TEXTS. Reflections, thoughts, balances with HDV, to think about (aa236) .... 07.03.2023, [PDF, 486.79 kB]
- 2023-03-21 - Quantum physics. Why is it different than non-quantized physics,(aa216) ...21.03.2023, [PDF, 107.78 kB]
- 2023-03-23 - Lecture by doc. Michal Malinský ; on the fate of matter ............... (aa205) ... 23.03.2023 engl, [PDF, 442.88 kB]
- 2023-04-04 - Julian Barbour | The End of Time ............................................... (aa184) ...+com+4.4.2023, [PDF, 189.34 kB]
- 2023-07-02 - Is string theory a failing model? ................................................. (aa253) ... com 01.07.2023, [PDF, 238.14 kB]
- 2023-07-22 - Einstein's cosmological constant was abandoned after ............... (aa257) ...+com 07/20/2023, [PDF, 116.61 kB]
- 2023-07-23 - Science has not yet built a theory of time for us. Here are my websites about time (aa 260).. 07/22/2023, [PDF, 89.69 kB]
- 2023-08-05 - Dark Matter - Vera Rubin ............................................................ (aa206) ...+com 7.6.2022, [PDF, 152.69 kB]
- 2023-08-06 - I explain STR und genesis in the debate club .............................. (aa223) ... 19.06.2023, [PDF, 143.79 kB]
- 2023-08-13 - I am still fine-tuning my idea, the idea with HDV ...........................................13.08.2023 , [PDF, 174.56 kB]
- 2023-08-20 - Constantly improving ideas for HDV............................................. (aa269)... 13.08.2023,, [PDF, 246.63 kB]
- 2023-08-31 - Roger Penrose - New Theory Proves Us Wrong ........................... (aa255)... +com14.07.2023, [PDF, 228.16 kB]
- 2023-09-01 - ENTROPY ; how I perceive entropy ............................................. (aa225) ... 08.11.2021-30.11.2022, [PDF, 204.95 kB]
- 2023-09-10 - Mathematician suggests extra dimensions are time-like ............... (aa213) ...+com 12.09.2022, [PDF, 186.62 kB]
- 2023-09-14 - Michal Malinský-The fates of matter ............................................ (aa270) ...+kom 31.05.2022 , [PDF, 847.38 kB]
- 2023-09-23 - Michal Malinský. Interpretation of the fate of matter.................... (aa205) ....correction 23.09.2023, [PDF, 830.09 kB]
- 2023-10-24 - Brian Cox – Why did the big bang happen? ................................. (aa 279) ... +com 24.10.2023, [PDF, 181.90 kB]
- 2023-11-30 - Big Bang, my interpretation ........................................................................... 30.11.2023, [PDF, 68.13 kB]
- 2023-12-07 - What does the universe expand into -SH ..................................... (aa 143)...+com 04.07.21+07.12.23, [PDF, 119.93 kB]
- 2023-12-16 - Today's physicists still know little, little about time ...................... (aa 300) ..16.12.2023, [PDF, 236.65 kB]
- 2023-12-17 - Beyond the Observable Universe 23. 12. 2022 ............................ (aa 228) ...+kom 17.12.2023, [PDF, 311.07 kB]
- 2023-12-17 - What Actually Are Space And Time .............................................. (aa 232) ....+com 19.01.2023, [PDF, 203.54 kB]
- 2023-12-18 - Wave-particle...science is finally approaching HDV ....................... (aa 296) ...+com 17.03.2023 , [PDF, 177.88 kB]
- 2023-12-20 - R. Penrose - On space-time and GR ............................................. (aa 298) ... +com 14.12.2023, [PDF, 280.80 kB]
- 2023-12-21 - Are there stars older than the universe ........................................ (aa 297) ...+com 13.12.2023 ), [PDF, 226.16 kB]
- 2023-12-21 - The universe after the Big Bang. Beginning of genesis .......................................... 29.11.2023, [PDF, 68.29 kB]
- 2024-01-15 - What Banged at Big Bang ? ......................................................... (aa 295) ....+com 14.01.2024, [PDF, 198.89 kB]
- 2024-01-16 - The uncertainty principle. He's like that on Aldebaran (F 34) ....+com 10.07.2006+translation into English 24, [PDF, 299.20 kB]
- 2024-01-17 - Why The Theory of Relativity Doesn't Add Up .............................. (aa 294) ...+ com 11.12.2023+17.01.2024, [PDF, 216.87 kB]
- 2024-01-21 - The editor asks, Rovelli answers ................................................... (aa 141) ...+ my com 29.06.2021 , [PDF, 171.28 kB]
- 2024-01-26 - What are space and time actually .................................................. (aa 250) ...+com 12.06.2023+26.01.2024, [PDF, 408.14 kB]
- 2024-02-03 - What happened in the big bang ? ................................................. (aa 295) ... +com 07.12.2023, [PDF, 241.97 kB]
- 2024-02-04 - R. Penrose - About space-time and GR, ........................................ (aa298) ... (Part 2)...+com 14.12.2023, [PDF, 233.68 kB]
- 2024-02-06 - Spontaneous symmetry breaking ................................................. (aa221)...pinion building since 2014-2022 , [PDF, 85.38 kB]
- 2024-02-06 - Can you explain the G-numerical constant why it has dimensions? I have been asking this question for 15 years..., [PDF, 33.66 kB]
- 2024-02-12 - Nobody Knows What TIME Really Is. Arvin Ash ............................ (aa182) .... +com 08.11.2021, [PDF, 142.42 kB]
- 2024-02-24 - Surprising New 'Theory of Everything' ......................................... (aa287) ... + kom 10.06.2023, [PDF, 204.94 kB]
- 2024-02-25 - Brian Cox – What caused the big bang ?........................................(aa309) ...+com10.02.2024 , [PDF, 261.12 kB]
- 2024-02-26 - How the Big Bang Possibly Never Occurred ................................... (aa 281) ...+com26.02.2024, [PDF, 162.51 kB]
- 2024-03-18 - Demystifying Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ............................ (aa324a) ... +com 03.03.2024, [PDF, 209.74 kB]
- 2024-03-20 - Teorie Big-Bang (Penrose, Hossenfelder, Carroll) .........................(aa 136)..+and my com 16.06.21+18.03.24, [PDF, 269.54 kB]
- 2024-03-23 - No Dark Matter, Research by Rendra Gupta ................................... (aa330) ....+ com 03/22/2024 , [PDF, 171.58 kB]
- 2024-03-25 - The Big Bang Theory (Penrose, Hossenfelder, Carroll) .................. (aa332)...+com 25.03.2024, [PDF, 201.32 kB]
- 2024-04-12 - Today's physicists still know about time little, yo-yo, little, little, little ... (aa 300) ... 12.04.2024, [PDF, 222.67 kB]
- 2024-04-14 - The Big Idea - Pavel Kroupa .......................................................... (aa 301) ... +kom 25.12.2023+14.04.2024, [PDF, 211.88 kB]
- 2024-04-14 - What is spacetime really, Adam Becker........................................... (aa 190).... +com 01.21.2022 , [PDF, 220.66 kB]
- 2024-04-23 - Brian Cox - Why Did The Big Bang Happen ? ................................. (aa 336) ... + com 07.09.2023, [PDF, 111.37 kB]
- 2024-04-23 - How big is the universe ?................................................................ (aa 320) ... + com 01.03.2023, [PDF, 164.99 kB]
- 2024-04-23 - My vision of the big bang ................................................................................... +29.11.2023, [PDF, 68.13 kB]
- 2024-04-26 - Quote from YouTube ; About the pace of time ............................... (aa 340) ..... +com 26.04.2024, [PDF, 131.76 kB]
- 2024-04-26 - Did The Future Already Happen? ..................................................... (aa 335) .... +com 21.04.2024, [PDF, 177.63 kB]
- 2024-04-27 - Nobody Knows What TIME Really Is, Arvin Ash + ENTROPIE ......... (aa 182) ... +com 08.11.2021, [PDF, 135.77 kB]
- 2024-05-11 - Movement. Who is moving and how the movement is created ......... (aa 345) ... my opinion 11.05.2024, [PDF, 88.53 kB]
- 2024-05-12 - Is Time Dilation Just a Clock Issue Afterall ?.................................... (aa 337) ...+com 24.04.2024 , [PDF, 206.59 kB]
- 2024-05-14 - Julian Barbour on The Janus Point. A New Theory of Time+entropy 02.04.2024...(aa 344)...+com 06.05.2024, [PDF, 235.73 kB]
- 2024-05-18 - The universe after the Big Bang. Beginning of genesis ...................... 29.11.2023, [PDF, 126.31 kB]
- 2024-05-20 - Penrose brought cyclic Universes. I improved it................................ (aa 306) ... 30..12.2023, [PDF, 118.82 kB]
- 2024-05-20 - It was one of the first textbooks that I literally studied, back in 1981, [PDF, 216.19 kB]
- 2024-05-20 - The Big Bang Theory | R. Penrose, S. Hossenfelder, S. Carroll ......... (aa 333) ... +com 19.04.2024, [PDF, 199.63 kB]
- 2024-05-21 - Can you explain "G" ? and why spacetime has 3+3 dimensions ?...... (aa 299) ... 2014-2024, [PDF, 138.57 kB]
- 2024-05-29 - Addressed to cowards ................................................... 15.05.2024, [PDF, 128.76 kB]
- 2024-05-29 - A general problem for physicists - to understand multidimensional time ... (aa 352) ... 21.05.2024, [PDF, 123.81 kB]
- 2024-06-05 - LT, STR and OTR simplified, for LUBOB.............................................. (I 308) ... 28.05.2019, [PDF, 119.78 kB]
- 2024-06-08 - It was one of the first textbooks that I literally studied, back in 1981, [PDF, 203.40 kB]
- 2024-06-09 - David Zoul, a new Czech physicist, my opinion against... (aa 191+193+201) .. 18.02.2024, [PDF, 24.11 kB]
- 2024-06-09 - Movement. Who is moving and how the movement is created .......... (aa 343a) ...+kom 11.05.2024, [PDF, 200.04 kB]
- 2024-06-16 - Michelson-Morley Experiment, Bulldog Efforts ...... + com 13.06.2024, [PDF, 144.35 kB]
- 2024-06-16 - Michio Kaku = Time not exist ............................................................ (aa 362) ....+com 28.05.2024, [PDF, 254.60 kB]
- 2024-06-26 - A general problem for physicists - to understand multidimensional time ...(aa 352a)... +com 18.05.2024 (A), [PDF, 166.54 kB]
- 2024-07-07 - Block Ea), block No. 57 after 20 years ............................................. (aa 360a) ... +kom 14.06.2024, [PDF, 292.17 kB]
- 2024-07-30 - Why not destroy string theory ......................................................... (aa 351) .... 26.07.2023, [PDF, 119.64 kB]
- 2024-08-01 - Quote from YouTube ; About the pace of time ................................. (aa 340) ..... +com 26.04.2024, [PDF, 131.54 kB]
- 2024-08-30 - The origin of the universe, several texts ............................................ (aa 375a) ... 08.08.2024, [PDF, 118.49 kB]
- 2024-09-01 - What If Space And Time Are NOT Real ? - Matt O'Dowd..................... (aa 380) ...+com 31.08.2024, [PDF, 516.24 kB]
- 2024-09-02 - Time passes at different rates when people move around each other... 17.04.2024, [PDF, 131.54 kB]
BLOCK – Index :01 – Briefly what presenting hypothesis to discussion of physics
02 – Short about hypothesis (hypothesis of construction universse for dimensional quantity)
BLOCK – A:Visions and Accounts of the Two-Quantity Universe
a) Accounts of Fundamental of the > Two- Quantity< Universe
b) Collection of Fragments of My Ideas and Visions for the Hypothesis
c) Evolution and the God
BLOCK – B:Articles and Comments on Them
BLOCK – C:Dialogues with Physicists
BLOCK – D:The Figures
BLOCK – E:Michelson-Morley's Experiment
BLOCK – F:Microcosm
a) Construction of the Two-Quantity Formulas of the Elementary Particles
b) Interaction with Introduction of My Substitute Formulas
c) Figures to Chapter Named Microcosm
BLOCK – G: G - Macrocosm
( My new Convention, Gravitation, Relativity and Simple Mathematics in conjunction with pendings Problems)
BLOCK – H:Disparates – Various Pages and Articles
BLOCK – CH:High Disputation of the Small Czech Physicists
BLOCK – I :Mageo, Opinion Non-Dialogue
BLOCK – J:Abstracts of Dialogues, Visions and Opinions During Half-Year
BLOCK – K :Denouncement of Czech Intelligentsia Behaviour
BLOCK – L:Mageo, Opinion Non- Dialogue
7. 1. 2006 is it to the day 25 years what bring forth hypothesis two-quantity universe i. e. construction masses wave-packets dimension of quantity longitude and time )
Original version pages (which attempt life to the record office) my hypotheses with poetic title "Belzebub or before-singular universe" now substitute brief (and perhaps and better version) with title (no less poetic) "Belzebub has daughter".